Transport services
Pārcelšanās24 is a logistics company that handles both international and domestic cargo transport. Every day, domestic cargo transport by road is provided between Latvia’s largest cities, and not only, as we deliver to anywhere in Latvia. Domestic cargo transport by road is the fastest and most efficient mode of cargo delivery in Latvia. We are able to ensure prompt, safe and cost-effective cargo deliveries, regardless of whether the cargo needs to be delivered, for example, from Riga to Liepaja, from Ainaži to Jelgava or from Bauska to Rēzekne. We can provide transport services throughout Latvia and the European Union.
We offer
Transport planning and free consultations
Free consultation
Warehousing services for your goods
Warehouse services
Transport services in Latvia and the EU
Transport services
We work on weekends and also in the evenings
We work on weekends and holidays
Vehicles of various sizes
Transport of different sizes
Cargo insurance
Cargo insurance
Fast and quality transport services
Quality transport services
Transport services for private persons and companies
For individuals and businesses
Cargo handler services
Cargo loader services
Affordable prices for your transport services
Affordable prices